In November 2010, Nexia DK joined the United Nations Global Compact, an by this declared its intention to support and promote the 10 Principles of the Global Compact concerning human rights, labor standards, environment protection and anti-corruption.
Social Responsibility for us is closely related to bringing up new leaders, educating a new generation of ambitious and talented professionals, helping civil society in the fields of education, research, environmental protection. Every year our Company donates for charity and participates in charity events, especially focusing on supporting under-privileged families and orphanages. The smiles and the welfare of children in need of our help motivate us to go on not just for the sake of ourselves, but also for the future of the children who are unable to take care of themselves, and for the future of our country.
We are happy to share our experience in strategy, culture and day-to-day operations of the Company both on the professional and social levels. For the Company’s employees social accountability is a huge incentive that exhibits the social value of their work. We believe that the development of non-financial reporting and learning from the experience of developed countries of the world will allow Ukraine to move to the next higher stage of its social and economic development.